Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What's Inside!!

I'm listening to Carol Tuttle on K-talk. Its interesting to hear someone talk about things that are fairly congruent with me. The outside events could be a reflection of what is going on inside. It seems that everything rolls back to our thoughts. Im just rambling now and I hope this might make some sense. We live a good portion of our lives being ruled by our mind or EGO. We believe we are a dual person (even if we aren't conscious of it). So whatever is going on on the outside that brings up fear is just a reflection or a mirror of what could be going on inside. So when we are able to get in our heart or spirit for snatches of time we are able to re-think or re-mind ourselves who we really are. (Sons and daughters of the King). It is a stretch at times to get in touch with those kinds of things and at the same time It is just so Fabulous...In the relief society talk by Pres. Uckdorf (ms)he told us a scripture What you Believe you will See!! This is the same things we are being told by alot of other teachers in the world today. We have to own our thoughts and change them if we don't like them. Im so grateful to the awesome people in my life who are part of my own remembering. Its so great to be a mother, wife, daughter, aunt, friend and all the other things I get to experience at this time in my life.


Lowe family recipes said...

I love this Valerie. What you believe you will see. Thats a powerful focus to keep inside our mind and our hearts. ;0)

Unknown said...

I completely agree with you! I loved President Ukdorf's talk, it was just perfect:) It was great to see you and Joel at the Wedding! Love ya:)

Unknown said...

I had to leave another comment because I just realized you weren't on my google Reader and I've missed out on so many of your posts. I thought you just weren't into blogging but I was mistaken! Now i can be in better touch because I'm adding you now! Tell Joel Hello! :)