Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring! Whats that?

March 29 and its been a blizzard all day long. Wind a howling and gusting about. Someone on facebook suggested we should get a jump on the holidays and put our lights back up. Maybe not a bad idea!!
Blogging just much not be my thing. I havent written since Thanksgiving and surely alot has happened. Id like to be better at this~I do good to write in my journal....
Brock Michael Balmforth was born on March 21,2009. Joel and I and Amber along with a bunch of other folks got to witness his coming into the world. Jessica and Taylor spent a very long day on the 20th working on getting him here and to no avail. I was so proud of them, they worked well together and it was a sweet experience. Finally 2 am on the 21st Jessica got an epidural which then got her to dialating and so by 8:21 Brock was born. What a little darling he is. He has lots of brown hair and cute little dimples in his cheeks. I held him yesterday and told him he was a week from heaven and if he could talk what he could tell us. I said you probably saw Grandma and pa Balmforth and Grandma Miller and he smiled so big. Im telling you It wasnt gas.
Cody has 4 months and some change before he will be headed home. Its been along time. He sounds so good and I feel like he is ready to start a fresh life with his kids.
My dad and his wife Linda will be home from St George area or rather Warm Springs Nev. They hope to serve a mission there next winter. Linda isnt looking forward to coming home to the weather though. Everyone is anxious to get garden stuff going and then you look outside. Oh well this is Idaho and this snow wont last long. Spring has got to hurry to go out like a lamb.
Conference Sunday. Im looking forward to hear from the brethern. I love the gospel and Im so grateful for the atonement.


Unknown said...

What you need is a good trip down to St. George! It's green and beautiful and the temperatures in the 60's & 70's! Come see me!

Unknown said...

Valerie, tell Kristen to quit bragging! no just kidding kris! We just got back from St George and there is one thing more depressing than this cold weather and 5" of new snow and that is coming from sunny St George back to cold weather and snow! Oh well, maybe by May or June it will warm up. Nice post, hopefully you can get some pictures to post of Brock, he sounds so cute!