These flowers have been in the yard for a few years, and due to no or low water they have never really been beautiful. Wow having water makes these amazing!

This is a shot through a wire angel my sister in law Betty gave me along time ago. Silly, but I love it.

New breed of Dog (rather llamas) we have many and Joel extends a mobile fence so they sometimes feed on the side lawn. Now hold yourselves down~I feel a little envy goin on. Not everyone is this lucky. (I hope God gets my bad humor)

This use to be a huge mound of just dirt. Oh my no it was dirt with 3 foot weeds. My clever prince took odds and ends and throw aways and made this rather clever pond setting that is very peaceful to stand by. He is a lover of nature. If he had access to unlimited funds look out!!

Joel started studying square foot gardening months ago when it was winter. He read and read and then made the boxes. He had things planted the end of April and covered them and babied them along. The premise is to eliminate weeds and to keep track better. I think it has worked for him. He has approx 10 boxes. Probably not the ideal for a huge family who wants tons of produce. Each square has a 3 part dirt mix.

Can you guess what is in this one??

Cute huh? Flowers right along with the cabbage. It makes me smile. He really loves watching them grow.

Another view of the pond area. He has used an old metal wagon wheel (in the forefront) and planted flowers in it. I was helping weed one day and he says I pulled flowers.

This is just a little old bird house. I love simple things!!
We have lived in Woodville since 1995. For most of that time we have looked close to the biggest disaster on the street. All sand, no water and lots of weeds and junk. Joel has been working hard to create a fun country atmosphere on a low budget. Thanks honey~it looks great! You're a genius. Here are some pictures of the yard and Joel's square foot gardens. I put a couple of Amber's square foot garden as well. (Lost the pictures somewhere, I will post them later.) Yikes! Ill be glad when I get this figured out.
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