Surrender now, pretend no more,
God is here just open the door.
Ego lay down, take a rest,
We've always thought you were the best.
Edging God Out isn't the way,
You seem big and strong,
but you can't stay.
Surrender is strength,
placing all in God's hands,
admitting to him you don't understand.
I'm willing to put myself in his care,
because something tells me, he will always be there.
Surrender, let go, release all the ties.
Step outside the box and you'll see blue skies.
God is just waiting for you to let go, to realize you're
really not running the show.

This is baby Brock. He is 3 months old now and an amazing delight. So using him as an example of the innocence of all of us it becomes hard to believe we could ever have stuff. So what is stuff? Stuff in my opinion, is the illusions we have created over the span of our earthly existance. Not to be minimized because for most of us we have come to know these illusions better than the real innocense of who we REALLY are. We hold them near and dear and to some it becomes such a secret we must not ever reveal. So look deep into the eyes of this sweet little baby. Except see if you can see you. Yes, you. Our natural man becomes
our enemy. An enemy to our goodness and true self. Ego is another word we could use to describe the natural man. A great acronym for ego is E
dging God Out ! Cool huh? We do often only reveal the good stuff, and then others begin to think less of themselves, or feel like everyone else is better, richer,more talented. We are so good for each other. WE are all teachers, and we didnt even know what a great job we were doing. We are the FAMILY separate and collective. We need each other with our innocence, our pain, our STUFF.

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